Concejo De Lideres 05 de Septiembre 2018 ; Leadership Council September 5th 2018
Concejo De Lideres
Durante el concejo tuvimos la oportunidad a escuchar nuevas ideas de como mejorar durante los siguientes días. Fue un tiempo muy especial en el cual pudimos aprender y crecer individualmente y como misión. Se enfoco mucho en la manera en la cual ayudaremos a los misioneros de nuestra misión para que sean mas como nuestro salvador Jesucristo y ayudar a otros a venir a Cristo.
Leadership Council
During the council we had the opportunity to listen to new ideas on how we can improve in the days to come. It was a very special time that we could learn and grow as individually and as a mission. The focus was a lot on how we will help the missionaries of our mission to be more like our savior Jesus Christ and help others come to Christ.
During the council we had the opportunity to listen to new ideas on how we can improve in the days to come. It was a very special time that we could learn and grow as individually and as a mission. The focus was a lot on how we will help the missionaries of our mission to be more like our savior Jesus Christ and help others come to Christ.
Compartiendo Sus Experiencias; Sharing Their experiances
Nueva manera de realizar intercambios ; New way of doing exchanges.
Tiempo de Hermana Santos; Time of Sister Santos
Fotos de nuestros lideres; Photos of our leaders
Celebrando Cumpleaños; Celebrating Birthdays