Estado de Excepción en Ecuador 3 Octubre 2019; State of Emergency in Ecuador October 3rd 2019
Estado de Excepción
en Ecuador
4 Octubre 2019;
State of Emergency
in Ecuador
October 4th 2019
Estimados Padres de Misioneros en la Misión Ecuador
Guayaquil Oeste,
Todos sus misioneros en la Misión Ecuador Guayaquil Oeste
están bien, seguros y tomando algunas precauciones con la situación actual aquí
en el país.
Como algunos de ustedes sabrán, ha habido un cambio en
Ecuador con respecto al subsidio otorgado a todo el país para Diesel y
Gasolina. Esto se anunció el miércoles y entró en vigencia ayer jueves por la
mañana. En consecuencia, una huelga / protesta comenzó con el sistema de
autobuses, transportes de camiones y taxis. Esto ha causado una serie de focos
de violencia, saqueos y protestas.
Ayer, les pedimos a todos nuestros misioneros que fueran
cautelosos y, si se sentían incómodos, que regresaran a sus hogares en
cualquier momento. También les pedimos que estuvieran en sus casas alrededor de
las 6 p.m., antes del anochecer. Ninguno ha experimentado ningún contacto
directo con estos focos de violencia y saqueo. La mayoría de las protestas se
producen en el capitolio de Quito, pero ha habido varios casos o bolsillos aquí
en Guayaquil. Pocos están en los límites de nuestra misión. Sin embargo, les
pedimos a todos que esperaran más orientación antes de salir de sus casas hoy
mientras evaluamos la situación esta mañana.
Parece que hay poco o ningún malestar en las provincias y
estamos permitiendo que los misioneros salgan de sus hogares más tarde esta
mañana y esta tarde. Hay algunas áreas cercanas a nosotros aquí en Guayaquil
que les pedimos que esperen hasta esta tarde antes de aventurarse. Hemos
sugerido que solo visiten a los que están enseñando y que visiten a los
miembros por ahora, ya que la gente en general seguramente está preocupada por
la situación política en este momento, por lo que hablar con la gente en las
calles y tocar puertas sería desconsiderado de nuestra parte. casos.
En la provincia de Guayas, que incluye Guayaquil, han
emitido una restricción de grandes reuniones públicas. Lamentablemente, esto
afecta nuestros planes para la Conferencia General. Les pedimos a nuestros
misioneros que se comuniquen con los miembros para ver quién tiene Internet que
estaría dispuesto a permitirles llevar sus contactos a sus hogares para ver las
sesiones de la Conferencia General. Nuevamente, esto no debería afectar a las
otras provincias ya que no hay restricciones en las otras provincias.
Oramos fervientemente por una solución segura y rápida a la
situación que nos permita proceder sin obstáculos. Lo mantendremos informado de
cualquier cambio adicional y continuaremos tomando las medidas necesarias para
mantener a todos nuestros misioneros a salvo.
Gracias por sus preocupaciones y oraciones también,
Presidente y Hermana Olson;
Dear Parents of Missionaries in the Ecuador
Guayaquil West Mission,
All of your missionaries in the Ecuador Guayaquil West Mission are well, safe and taking some precautions with the current situation here in the country.
As some of you may know, there has been a change in Ecuador concerning the subsidy provided to the entire country for Diesel and Gasoline. This was announced Wednesday and took effect yesterday, Thursday morning. Consequently a strike/protest began with the bus system, truck transports and taxis. This has caused a number of pockets of violence, looting and protests.
Yesterday, we asked all our missionaries to be cautious and if they felt uncomfortable at all, to return to their homes at any time. We also asked them to be in their homes about 6pm, before dark. None have experienced any direct contact with these pockets of violence and looting. Most of the protesting is occurring in the capitol of Quito but there have been several instances or pockets here in Guayaquil. Few are in our mission boundaries. Nevertheless, we asked all to wait for further guidance before leaving their houses today as we evaluated the situation this morning.
There appears to be little if any unrest in the provinces and we are allowing the missionaries to leave their homes later this morning and this afternoon. There are a few areas close to us here in Guayaquil that we are asking them to wait until this afternoon before venturing out. We’ve suggested they only visit those they are teaching and to visit members for now as the people in general are surely preoccupied with concerns for the political situation right now so talking to people in the streets and knocking doors would be inconsiderate of us in most cases.
In the province of Guayas, which includes Guayaquil, they have issued a restriction of large public gatherings. Unfortunately this impacts our plans for General Conference. We are asking our missionaries as they contact the members to see who has internet that would be willing to allow them to bring their contacts to their homes to watch the sessions of General Conference. Again, this should not impact the other provinces as there is no restriction in the other provinces.
We are praying fervently for a safe and quick resolution to the situation that will allow us to proceed unhindered. We will keep you informed of any additional changes and will continue to take the necessary measures to keep all of our missionaries safe.
Thank you for your concerns and prayers as well,
President and Sister Olson
All of your missionaries in the Ecuador Guayaquil West Mission are well, safe and taking some precautions with the current situation here in the country.
As some of you may know, there has been a change in Ecuador concerning the subsidy provided to the entire country for Diesel and Gasoline. This was announced Wednesday and took effect yesterday, Thursday morning. Consequently a strike/protest began with the bus system, truck transports and taxis. This has caused a number of pockets of violence, looting and protests.
Yesterday, we asked all our missionaries to be cautious and if they felt uncomfortable at all, to return to their homes at any time. We also asked them to be in their homes about 6pm, before dark. None have experienced any direct contact with these pockets of violence and looting. Most of the protesting is occurring in the capitol of Quito but there have been several instances or pockets here in Guayaquil. Few are in our mission boundaries. Nevertheless, we asked all to wait for further guidance before leaving their houses today as we evaluated the situation this morning.
There appears to be little if any unrest in the provinces and we are allowing the missionaries to leave their homes later this morning and this afternoon. There are a few areas close to us here in Guayaquil that we are asking them to wait until this afternoon before venturing out. We’ve suggested they only visit those they are teaching and to visit members for now as the people in general are surely preoccupied with concerns for the political situation right now so talking to people in the streets and knocking doors would be inconsiderate of us in most cases.
In the province of Guayas, which includes Guayaquil, they have issued a restriction of large public gatherings. Unfortunately this impacts our plans for General Conference. We are asking our missionaries as they contact the members to see who has internet that would be willing to allow them to bring their contacts to their homes to watch the sessions of General Conference. Again, this should not impact the other provinces as there is no restriction in the other provinces.
We are praying fervently for a safe and quick resolution to the situation that will allow us to proceed unhindered. We will keep you informed of any additional changes and will continue to take the necessary measures to keep all of our missionaries safe.
Thank you for your concerns and prayers as well,
President and Sister Olson
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